
Reiki Course: Levels in Reiki Healing System: 4 Levels are there in Reiki Healing, The first 2 Levels are for Reiki Practitioners & rest of 2 Levels for Reiki Masters , Reiki I-Healing without Symbols (self & closers) Reiki II-Use of Reiki Symbols Plus Distant Healing (as a Practitioner) Reiki III-Reiki Master Level (having full Reiki ability plus power to attune others) Reiki IV-Reiki Teacher Level (IV-Level means ability to conduct Reiki classes). I- Level : 1- What is Reiki Reiki (pronounced Ray-Key ) is a method of natural healing based on the application of Universal Life Force Energy . 2- History of Reiki Dr. Mikao Usui of Japan discovered Reiki first time. 3- Principles of Reiki There are 5 Principles of Reiki as under, A) Just for today do not worry. B) Just for today do not anger. C) Honor your parents, teachers and elders. E) Earn your living honestly. F) Show gratitude to everything. 4- Grounding & Connection Connecting to " Grandmother Earth " ( ...