Types of Spells

The experts of gramary say that Chaldean practice is one of the toughest most practices and one has to work a lot more than harder to get it. But the net result is that one, who gets hold on it, is able to do such things which are beyond human wisdom and this is done through gaining control over all the spirits. Those patients,who are never cured by the doctors, are cured within minutes. But no doubt, this type is forbidden in Islam.

The second of gamary is comparatively easier than the first; and this is practiced in India excessively. In such type, calling out and sacrificing things for various gods like bhuwani, chumari, luuna, bheron and misc others. Also by lighting essences, and applying fragrances on their places, they are called upon and then controlled. This too is forbidden.

The third type is to control the spirit of any robust person by reciting non-islamic words and they are then forced to work as slaves. This too is not allowed.

In the fourth type, the quotidian life of any person is spoiled in a way that things are jumbled up, and nothing seems right in place. Nothing is visible and if some thing is visible then it seems terrified.

Black magic, Mephistophelean magic, Indian magic etc. whatever – there is no difference because the source of all of them is evil and forbidden. There are certain banned conditions which the practitioner of these has to imply on, and must act him self as well. The base things to please the creatures are certain impurities like excretions etc. and to eat these, and to cover these on body is basic condition. Such practitioners demand physical relationships with the women mostly as their charges which they are forcibly brought in to.

When ever any person is victimized by black magic, then the evil spirits, jinn and devils get domination over him and rule him. The victim completely is drenched in to that state where his acts, thoughts are run by them  and thus gets in to heap big trouble.


When all of the sudden, any running business experiences heavy losses and no cure, strategy, idea becomes practical and in some cases, the business completely gets wiped out – then one must get alarmed that an aspect of jealousy or enmity is behind all this who to satisfy his evil intentions has taken support of some sort of magician who destroyed the business and because of that, the victim faces severe trials of high blood pressure, tensions, heart diseases and loses hope and eventually dies.


Jealousy and contrariness are those realities that turn real brothers, sisters, relatives to enemies of each other. And just because of this, one’s marriage is bound and thus creates obstacles in one’s marriage e.g. either a proposal is rejected from the contrary side with out any reason or some times is not fit. Gradually the age of the girl increases and some times she becomes ill because of mental stress.


Mephistophelean and black magic is used to make a male impotent and a spinster does not go to his wife and so does remain devoid of children. If a bachelor is a victim of such practice, then no matter who ever insists, he runs away from marriage and gets stubborn all the time.


Magic practices are done by some one who loved the girl once, to bind her womb so that nor she is able to get married or if she is married, then no sign of fertility shall be there for her entire life; such woman yearns for a baby and some times can have hysterical attacks too.
The other aspect of this magic is some times a friend of her gets jealous because of her beauty or attraction and does some Mephistophelean practices on her, and the victim gets irregular menstruation problems and blood remains dropping all the time and eventually she gets weaker day by day.


This type of practice creates hatred between the couple and they consider mating a great sin and want to run away from each other. They hate each other a lot, but do not separate neither they get closer.


Masaan is a type of dangerous grammary through which children are victimized. The magician read some magical words on a corpse and burns it; after that the ash of that corpse is mixed with some sweet dish or chocolate and given to a child through which the child gets weaker day by day. Eyes are burnt it, hands and feet gets colder, they get faint some times, do not eat, talk aimlessly etc. None of the doctors can cure this and if not treated, the child can die.


Eidolon is an evil creature. Its real face resembles trembling and twisting blows of air and it changes different faces to frighten people. Some times it turns religious saint, some times different animals, and some times different birds. Some times it turns its face of that of a beautiful woman to attract men and vice versa. The eidolon can diffuse in to any person, and that person is then controlled by it and if not, then gets ill and in pain. As their habitats are not known to common people, so if some one spits or pees under, then they diffuse and do not leave that person.


Jinn, just like human beings are independent creations. They are both – Muslims and as well as non- Muslims. To capture pious jinn is very difficult for an amil where as the non-muslim ones are easily captured by them. They, to fulfill their evil intentions use these; like they are forced to throw stones at one’s house, throw blood drops and several other torturous things. The house which is haunted by evil jinns is full of terror and poignant smells starts arousing. The heart palpitates, and head ache is experienced. Some times voices of bird’s chirping are heard and some times crawling of insects.


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