Origin of Jinn (Demons)

Previously we read about ‘What are Jinn and Demons’. When Jinn are Good Jinn then we simply refer to them as Jinn and Spirits; and when they (Jinn) are bad and evil, then we call them Demons and Devils. But now the question – ‘When were they created?’

Qur’an, Surah Hijr; verse number 26 & 27:

“Verily We created man of potter’s clay of dark mud altered. And the Jinn did We create aforetime of a smokeless flame of fire” (Al-Hijr: 26-27).

Science tells us that our planet is some million years old. Jinn came into existence before Human was created. That confirms the incidence of Iblees (Lucifer – Our next article Insha’Allah). A few scholars, however, say that Jinn were created only a thousand years before Human. But only Allah knows best. We cannot put forth our personal opinions in such matters. We can only look into Allah’s revelations for guidance.

Coming to their Origin:

“And the jinn did We create aforetime of essential fire” (al-Hijr: 27)
“And the jinn He did create of a smokeless flame of fire” (al-Rahmaan: 15)

These two verses confirm the fact that – Jinn were created from Fire. But that does not mean they appear in the form of some blazing Fire. Just the way we Human, unlike Clay, appear flesh and bones. Similarly they do not appear in the form of Fire. Later on we will discuss in detail on how they are not Fire by nature. However, if they want, they can appear in the form of anything (apparent), due to their powers of deception on the human eye.

Furthermore, in a book by ‘Dr. Umar Sulaiman’ states, “According to high scholars, the meaning of ‘marajin-min-nar (smokeless fire)’ is the extremity of the flame, and in one narration it is described as the purest and best (of fire).’ An-Nawawi said in his commentary to Sahih Muslim, that the smokeless flame of fire is that mixed with the blackness of the fire.””

We also find another strong narration recorded in the Sahih Muslim on the authority of Aisha (ra), that the Prophet (saw) said,

“The angels were created from light, the jinn were created from a smokeless flame of fire, and Adam was created from what has been described to you [In Quran]”

Who was the First Jinn?

We do not possess any clear statements about this from the Qur’an. There is one very weak Narration which is rejected by most of the Imam for its unreliable source. Yet, many scholars believe Iblees is the father of the Jinn, both good and evil jinn, just like Adam is the father of all mankind. They say Iblees is their origin and they [Jinn] are his offspring.

First Opinion

Shaikh ul-Islaam Ibn Taimiyya called Iblees the father of all the jinn in many places. Most of them recorded in Majmo’ al-Fatwa. Later on, all of his students – Ibn al-Qayyim and al-Haafiz Ibn Hajar and so on, they too agreed to it.
Their opinion is based on the following verses of the Qur’an.

“And the jinn He created from a smokeless flame of fire” [ar-Rahmaan 55:15]

When Iblees and the Angles were commanded by Allah to prostrate to Adam,

Iblees said “‘I am better than him (Adam), You created me from fire, and him You created from clay’” [al-A’raaf 7:12]

“Will you then take him (Iblees) and his offspring as protectors and helpers rather than Me while they are enemies to you?” [al-Kahf 18:50]

Second Opinion

It is the opinion to which Most of the scholars agree, is that ‘Iblees was the father of the EVIL-Jinn [Demons] Only. They are known as Shaytaan, meaning an Evil Jinn, and the father of all the Shayateen is Iblees.

“Will you then take him (Iblees) and his offspring as protectors and helpers rather than Me while they are enemies to you?” [al-Kahf 18:50]

Third Opinion

A few scholars, however, believe that Iblees is simply ‘one of the Jinn’, and not their father. They follow this by stating the following verse from Surah al-Kahf,

“Except for Iblees, He was of the jinn” (al-Kahf: 50)

Types & Categories of Jinn

Types of Jinn

Prophet Muhammad (saw) said:

“There are three types of jinn: one that flies through the air, one that are snakes and dogs, and one which stay in places and travel about…”

Categories of Jinn

Al-Jahiz states: “People distribute jinn into ranks. If the jinni lives with humans, he is called ‘Amir. If he is a jinni that attacks young boys, he is called Ruh (pl. arwaah). If he is a malicious, haughty being, then he is a demon. If he is stronger than a demon, he is then a Marid. God said ‘We made the heavens secure against every rebellious satanic force.’ If he is more powerful than a Marid, then he is an Ifrit.”

1 – Jinn

When they mention the jinn in general terms, they use the word Jinni, pl. Jinn. They are the ones on the lower ranks. They are known to convert to Islam.

2 – Aamir (dweller)

If the jinni is one of those who live in houses with people, they call him ‘Aamir (dweller), pl. ‘Ummaar. Prophet Muhammad (saw) told us to warn a Jinn that lives in your house (mostly in the form of a dark black snake) – three times. If it does not leave the house on the third time, you then Kill it, because it is not a Jinn but a Devil.

3 – Rooh (spirits)

If the jinni is one of those who interact with children, they call them Ruh, pl. Arwaah (spirits). We hear a lot from our children seeing cartoons in real life. Ones who are scared of water speak of the same cartoonish things appearing in  water to them.

4 – Ghoul – Si’lah (Jinn Magicians)

Dwelling in deserts, deserted island and places where there are no human.

‘Sudden appearance and disappearance, cat like face, canine teeth and a forked tongue – Described by people who lived before Islam came to them. Hazrat Omar (ra) is known to have encountered a Ghoul on his way to Damascus, which he kills with his sword. This too, happened before Islam came onto them.

Furthermore, Prophet Muhammad (saw) also said:

“No one can change the image in which he was created. But jinn have some magicians among them as do humans, so when you see them (ghul), give the call to prayers (Adaan).”

And it will go away. Ghoul, however, is considered the Male magician, and Si’lah the female.

5 – Al-nasnas – Shiqq

Strangest of all, described as a man split into two, having half a body. Al-Jahiz speaks, that if a shiqq encounters a human, it beats him till he dies.

We already see Half-man diagrams in Witchcraft charms (key/portal for the demons). There might be a connection between a Shiqq and Jinn; But then a Hadith from al-Sahih:

“Some people of Aad rebelled against their prophet. God transformed them into nasnas, with one foot and one hand. They hop like birds and graze like beasts.”

This means people PROBABLY put another form of Visible creature into a category of Jinn. Only Allah knows.

7 – Shaytaan (devil – demon)

If the jinni is wicked then he is a Shaytaan (devil) plural. Shayateen.

It is mentioned in 100 verses of the Qur’an, where it mostly points to Demons (Devils) yet some places it points to Satan (Iblees). Devil (shaytaan) Refers to a type of Jinn representing Pure Evil. Most scholars claim that a Jinni may convert to Islam but a Shaytaan, in specific, can never become a Muslim. 


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