History of Magic

When Hazrat Moosa (AS) left for the Mountain of Toor to seek Allah’s order; He appointed His brother Hazrat Haroon (AS) as the leader of his nation. In His absence, a magician named Samri misguided the people saying that now probably Moosa (AS) wont return, but what I can do for you is that I can make a calf from which the voice of your creator will be heard. The nation was already strayed, and so immediately agreed despite of Hazrat Haroon’s (AS) insistence and when He was threatened to death, he became silent.
Samri collected all the valuables from the Bani Israil Nation and melted and created a calf; after which the soil was poured in from the ground where Hazrat Jibrail (AS) landed. After some mantras etc whenever he used to call the calf, a voice was really heard from inside and the nation started to worship that calf. When Hazrat Moosa (AS) returned; he was shocked to see his nation and then His brother told about things that happened in his absence. Later the strayed people were sentenced to death and Samri died turning lunatic. Here is some verses from Quran about proving magic
Surah Al-Bakarah verse no 102,

And even if We had sent down to you, [O Muhammad], a written scripture on a page and they touched it with their hands, the disbelievers would say, "This is not but obvious magic."
Surah Al-Araf verse no 109,
He said, "Throw," and when they threw, they bewitched the eyes of the people and struck terror into them, and they presented a great [feat of] magic.
Moses said, "Do you say [thus] about the truth when it has come to you? Is this magic? But magicians will not succeed."
Surah Taha verse no 57,
Then we will surely bring you magic like it, so make between us and you an appointment, which we will not fail to keep and neither will you, in a place assigned."
Surah Taha verse no 66,
He said, "Rather, you throw." And suddenly their ropes and staffs seemed to him from their magic that they were moving [like snakes].
He said, "Rather, you throw." And suddenly their ropes and staffs seemed to him from their magic that they were moving [like snakes].
And throw what is in your right hand; it will swallow up what they have crafted. What they have crafted is but the trick of a magician, and the magician will not succeed wherever he is."
So the magicians fell down in prostration. They said, "We have believed in the Lord of Aaron and Moses."
[Pharaoh] said, "You believed him before I gave you permission. Indeed, he is your leader who has taught you magic. So I will surely cut off your hands and your feet on opposite sides, and I will crucify you on the trunks of palm trees, and you will surely know which of us is more severe in [giving] punishment and more enduring."
Indeed, we have believed in our Lord that He may forgive us our sins and what you compelled us [to do] of magic. And Allah is better and more enduring."
And to Solomon [We subjected] the wind - its morning [journey was that of] a month - and its afternoon [journey was that of] a month, and We made flow for him a spring of [liquid] copper. And among the jinn were those who worked for him by the permission of his Lord. And whoever deviated among them from Our command - We will make him taste of the punishment of the Blaze.
And when We decreed for Solomon death, nothing indicated to the jinn his death except a creature of the earth eating his staff. But when he fell, it became clear to the jinn that if they had known the unseen, they would not have remained in humiliating punishment.
They will say, "Exalted are You! You, [O Allah ], are our benefactor not them. Rather, they used to worship the jinn; most of them were believers in them."
Surah Adh-Dhariyat verse no 56,
'And verily, there were men among mankind who took shelter with the masculine among the jinns, but they (jinns) increased them (mankind) in sin and disbelief.
Difference between Miracles and black magic Miracles are totally different from magic. While back magic is harmful, miracles are useful. Black magic and casting spells is by seeking help from devils for harmful outcomes while miracles are from God or men of God. Miracles take place for helpful means while the intention behind black magic is to cause harm to someone or to obtain unlawful benefits. Miracles are real while magic is sometimes deceptive.
Magic is so called because its means are hidden or secret, and because the practitioners of sihr deal with things in secret which enable them to perform illusions to confuse the people and deceive their eyes, and to cause them harm or steal their money, etc., in a secretive manner so that in most cases nobody realizes what is happening. Hence the last part of the night is called sahar, because at the end of the night people are unaware and they do not move about much. the lungs are also called sahr, because they are hidden inside the body.
For thousands of years people have been fascinated, awed and fearful at the
unknown and mystical, being heedless of the dangers and harm that they inflict. As Muslims it is imperative to understand these evil-filled practices and to protect ourselves from them.
Having the power to do supernatural and seemingly impossible things is referred to as 'magic'. It can be categorized as either sorcery, which is magic that uses the power of evil spirits for evil purposes; or as illusionism, which is the skill of performing tricks in which you seem to make things appear, disappear or change, as if by magic.
For thousands of years people have been fascinated, awed and fearful at the unknown and mystical, being heedless of the dangers and harm that they inflict. As Muslims it is imperative to understand these evil-filled practices and to protect ourselves from them.
Having the power to do supernatural and seemingly impossible things is referred to as 'magic'. It can be categorized as either sorcery, which is magic that uses the power of evil spirits for evil purposes; or as illusionism, which is the skill of performing tricks in which you seem to make things appear, disappear or change, as if by magic.
“"Black magic" is performed with the intention of harming another being, either as a means of building the practitioner's power or as the goal itself. The underlying ideology upon which black magic is based states that the practitioner and his or her pursuit of knowledge and/or physical well-being are more important than other concerns, theological or ethical.
"Green magic" involves the practitioner's attuning himself or herself to nature and the world around him or her.
"White magic" is where the practitioner attunes him or herself to the needs of human society and attempts to meet those needs. This is a form of "personal betterment" magic, and does not entail harming other beings.
"Grey magic" is magic that is neither green, nor black, nor white, and which usually replaces the absolute stand of these realms with an ethical code that is particular to the practitioner. It is a type of magic all its own, and may be used for many different purposes.
"Folk magic" is an eclectic collection of Herbalism, faith healing, curses and hexes, candle magic, and other workings that has thrived in rural areas for centuries. There is also the term, "hedge wizard," which refers to an individual who attempts to practice magic with little or no formal training”. (History of Witchcraft and Magic)
The excruciatingly painful and distressing reality of black magic stares you in the face: what will you do? What are your chances as a Muslim or even as a human being to protect yourself from this heinous black craft practiced by the dwellers of Hell?
The bad news is that black magic is very much alive and kicking in our rapidly, morally degenerating society. But the good news is that you can be saved! Just like Allah [swt] has created all diseases and evil in the world, He is also the Creator of all the cures of all diseases. And this is undoubtedly the biggest diseases of all on Earth. The people who practice black magic and the people who go to such magicians, both are doing shirk according to Quran and Hadith and will be severely punished in both the worlds:
“And when there came to them a Messenger from Allah confirming what was with them, a party of those who were given the scripture threw away the book of Allah behind their backs as if they did not know. And they followed what the devils gave out falsely of magic of the reign of Solomon; for Solomon did not disbelieve but the devils disbelieved, teaching men magic and such things that came down at Babylon to the two angels Harut and Marut, but neither of these two (angles) taught anyone (such things) until they had said: we are only for trial, so don’t disbelieve.
And from them (magicians) people learn that through which they would cause separation between a person and his spouse, but they could not thus harm anyone except by Allah’s leave; and they learn that which harms them rather than profits them. And indeed they knew that its practitioner would have no share in the Hereafter. And how bad indeed was that for which they sold their own selves if they but knew“. (QURAN 2:101-2)
This is a very extensive topic and a lot can be written about what black magic is and is not. But I will chiefly focus on preventive measures and cure from it. We all know from Quran and Sunnah that it is a fact.
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